Configuring Database Properties for SQL Server
To configure database properties for SQL Server, follow these steps:
- Go to erwinDISuite > WEB-INF > database folder.
- Open the file and do the following:
- Uncomment the SQL Server section by removing the hash (#) sign at the beginning of each line between SQL SERVER BEGIN and SQL SERVER END.
- Set the following parameters:
- URL (http://IP_ADDRESS:Port#/erwinDISuite/)
- Server name. For example, server name is localhost, in case you deploy erwin DI Suite on a local environment.
- Port number. The default port number is 1433.
- databaseName. For example, erwinDISuite.
- UserName
- Password
- PasswordEncrypted=false
- URL (http://IP_ADDRESS:Port#/erwinDISuite/)
- Save the file.
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